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Hurricane Season Preparedness Tips

In the month of July, SB Tree Service is giving away * a full hurricane preparedness kit in a brand new giveaway. That’s right, we’ve put together a complete hurricane season supply basket, and we’re giving it away, to the first random entry we pick.

How to Enter:

Simply submit your name and email address via the form below. Share this page on your Facebook or Instagram wall for a higher chance of winning, and make sure to tag @sbtreeservice in your instagram post. The more shares, the better your chances of taking home the hurricane preparedness kit.

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Enter to WIN: In the month of July, SB Tree Service is giving away * a full hurricane preparedness kit in a brand new giveaway. That’s right, we’ve put together a complete hurricane season supply basket, and we’re giving it away, to the first random entry we pick. Wondering what you’re winning? This massive 50-piece hurricane readiness kit includes the following: – Lantern – Flashlight – AM radio – Propane stove – Emergency light sticks – Tarps – Fluorescent orange safety vests – Ponchos – Emergency blankets – Sleeping bags – Pro II 42-piece First Aid Kit – Water purification kit – Five-gallon water jug – Emergency food bars – Multi-function knife – Saw – Multi-purpose tool – 50-foot rope and fire starter sticks – and A 30-by-14-inch cargo bag

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Featuring essential items like flashlights and batteries, hand sanitizer, first aid kits, and miniature tools, this is a must-have during hurricane season.

What Does This Hurricane Preparedness Kit Include?

Wondering what you’re winning? This massive 50-piece hurricane readiness kit includes the following:

  • Lantern
  • Flashlight
  • AM radio
  • Propane stove
  • Emergency light sticks
  • Tarps
  • Fluorescent orange safety vests
  • Ponchos
  • Emergency blankets
  • Sleeping bags
  • Pro II 42-piece First Aid Kit
  • Water purification kit
  • Five-gallon water jug
  • Emergency food bars
  • Multi-function knife
  • Saw
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • 50-foot rope and fire starter sticks
  • 30-by-14 inch cargo bag

* Winners must be based in Volusia and Flagler Counties, Florida, to be eligible. By entering, contestants confirm they are 18+ years old and are bound by our terms and conditions. Winners will be chosen during a future drawing, on a date to be announced by SB Tree Service. Only one entry will be accepted, per person, and all decisions are final.

Hurricane Preparedness

Florida is just a few weeks into the 2020 hurricane season, and we’ve already experienced two full-scale tornadoes. Those tornado conditions led to extensive damage in Orange and Lake counties, and are going to be part of a much larger coming hurricane season.

2019 saw 18 named storms, with six hurricanes, three of which were considered “major”. Hurricane Dorian, alone, cost an estimated $1.7 billion. Irma caused $50 billion worth of damages. These are recent hurricanes and their impact is still being felt to this day. And the NOAA is predicting a heavier-than-usual hurricane season in 2020.

Hurricane Readiness Tips

Ahead of any major hurricane season, it’s important to come prepared. Consider the following tips, and make sure to stay safe during the upcoming hurricane season:

  • Know the risks: More damage is caused by storm surge water pushing in from offshore than by the actual winds in a hurricane. Inland flooding causes massive damage to homes as well as roadways. The more you know about the dangers of a hurricane, the quicker you’ll be able to react, in the moment, when needed.
  • Plan your evacuation: While things might not degrade to the point where you need to evacuate, it’s important to act like you’re about to run. Make sure you have a full plan to evacuate, safely, in the event of a last-minute emergency.
  • Get quality information: Make sure to maintain access to radios, phone apps, television, and social media in order to get all the information you need. Try not to get taken in by fear-mongering websites or trolls peddling panic information. Always compare updates between multiple sources.
  • Update your insurance: Hurricane season typically starts at least a month before any of the actual storm events, themselves. This gives you some run-up during which you can update your insurance if you are concerned about damage to your home or property.

Hurricane Preparedness
SB Tree Service Hurricane Preparedness Infographic

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